Hello fellow archlinux brothers. Some of the users decided to present Archlinux at the LinuxTag expo taking place from 22-June to 25-June [www.linuxtag.org].
The Linuxtag is the largest linux conference in Europe since '96. It's a place where users meet and present their different projects. The motto is "Where .COM meets .ORG".
At the moment we're a team of 3 people willing to present it to the crowd. The team is in desperate need of users that want to help out.
If you join the team you get to sleep for free and the possibility for a cheap breakfast. So if you can get there and are eager to help out you can contact us via irc #archlinux (klapmuetz, kth5 and yofuh) or via mail at archlt@bosng.de. Non-german speaking people are very welcome too.
If you just want to visit the LT05 you are welcomed to check out our booth. We could chitchat and talk about archlinux in general.
(Posted on behalf of Benjamin Andresen)