python 3.13.2-1
Architecture: | x86_64 |
Repository: | Core |
Split Packages: | |
Description: | The Python programming language |
Upstream URL: | |
License(s): | PSF-2.0 |
Provides: | |
Replaces: | |
Maintainers: |
Jelle van der Waa |
Package Size: | 12.3 MB |
Installed Size: | 67.6 MB |
Last Packager: | Jelle van der Waa |
Build Date: | 2025-02-05 08:05 UTC |
Signed By: | Jelle van der Waa |
Signature Date: | 2025-02-05 12:39 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2025-02-18 10:07 UTC |
Dependencies (23)
- bzip2
- expat
- gdbm
- libffi
- libnsl
- libxcrypt
- mpdecimal
- openssl
- tzdata
- zlib
- python-pip (optional) - for installing Python packages using tooling that is usually bundled with Python
- python-pipx (optional) - for installing Python software not packaged on Arch Linux
- python-setuptools (optional) - for building Python packages using tooling that is usually bundled with Python
- sqlite (optional) - for a default database integration
- tk (optional) - for tkinter
- xz (optional) - for lzma
- bluez-libs (make)
- gdb (make)
- llvm (make)
- sqlite (make)
- tk (make)
- ttf-font (ttf-bitstream-vera, gnu-free-fonts, noto-fonts, ttf-croscore, ttf-dejavu, ttf-droid, ttf-ibm-plex, ttf-input, ttf-liberation, ttf-input-nerd) (make)
- xorg-server-xvfb (make)
Required By (2960)
- aarch64-linux-gnu-gdb
- accerciser
- acme-tiny
- acpilight
- adios2
- afl++
- afl-utils
- agordejo
- aircrack-ng
- alacarte
- anari-sdk
- ansible
- ansible-bender
- ansible-core
- ansible-lint
- apitrace
- apksigcopier
- apostrophe
- apparmor
- arch-release-promotion
- arch-signoff
- archinstall
- archlinux-contrib
- arduino-ide
- arm-none-eabi-gdb
- asciidoc
- audacity
- audacity (testing)
- audiotube
- autopep8
- autorandr
- autotiling
- avr-gdb
- aws-cli
- awxkit
- azote
- azure-cli
- b4
- bcc
- bcc-tools
- beets
- bespokesynth
- binary
- blanket
- bleachbit
- blender
- blender (staging)
- bluefish
- blueprint-compiler
- bookworm
- borg
- borgmatic
- bpytop
- breezy
- btrfs-heatmap
- budgie-extras
- buildbot
- buildbot-worker
- bup
- byobu
- cameractrls
- canto-curses
- canto-daemon
- carla
- cartridges
- cdemu-client
- certbot
- certbot-dns-inwx
- chatblade
- check-jsonschema
- chess-clock
- cinnamon
- clamtk
- clapper-enhancers
- cloud-guest-utils
- cloud-image-utils
- cloud-init
- cockpit
- cockpit-packagekit
- copr-cli
- cotp-converters
- criu
- crosstool-ng
- csound-plugins
- csvkit
- cuda
- curtail
- cython
- dblatex
- ddgr
- deepin-gettext-tools
- deepin-kwin
- deepin-kwin (testing)
- deluge
- deluge-gtk
- devede
- dex
- dg
- dialect
- distcc
- distro-info
- dnf
- doge
- dool
- drgn
- drkonqi
- eartag
- electrum
- emscripten
- enjarify
- eolie
- errands
- esphome
- esptool
- espup
- faustpp
- fb-client
- feeluown-ytmusic
- fio
- flatpak
- flawfinder
- fontforge
- freeorion
- frescobaldi
- fs-uae-launcher
- fusesoc
- fwupd
- gameconqueror
- gaphor
- gaphor (testing)
- gcovr
- gdb
- gdb-common
- geany-plugins
- gedit-plugins
- gef
- gfeeds
- gi-docgen
- git-filter-repo
- git-revise
- glad
- glances
- glib2-devel
- glib2-devel
- global
- glusterfs
- gnome-browser-connector
- gnome-builder
- gnome-builder
- gnome-keysign
- gnome-music
- gnome-music
- gnome-tweaks
- gnuradio
- gnuradio (testing)
- gnuradio-companion
- gnuradio-companion (testing)
- gnuradio-examples
- gnuradio-examples (testing)
- gnuradio-iqbal
- gnuradio-osmosdr
- gnuradio-osmosdr (testing)
- gnuradio-utils
- gnuradio-utils (testing)
- gobject-introspection
- gobject-introspection
- gpsd
- grammalecte
- graphs
- grc
- gst-devtools
- gst-devtools (staging)
- gst-editing-services
- gst-editing-services (staging)
- gst-python
- gst-python (staging)
- gtk-doc
- gufw
- gyp
- hamlib
- home-assistant
- hotdoc
- hplip
- httpbin
- hugin
- hypercorn
- hyperkitty
- iaito
- ibus
- ibus-anthy
- ibus-typing-booster
- impacket
- in-toto
- inkscape
- intel-gpu-tools
- intellij-idea-community-edition
- iotas
- iotop
- irker
- itstool
- jack_mixer
- jc
- jellyfin-mpv-shim
- jgmenu
- jrnl
- jupyter-collaboration
- jupyter-jsmol
- jupyter-lsp
- jupyter-nbclassic
- jupyter-nbclient
- jupyter-nbconvert
- jupyter-nbformat
- jupyter-notebook
- jupyter-notebook-shim
- jupyter-server
- jupyter-server-fileid
- jupyterlab
- jupyterlab-3
- jupyterlab-lsp
- jupyterlab-widgets
- jython
- kajongg
- kamene
- kde-dev-scripts
- kdevelop-python
- kernel-hardening-checker
- khal
- khard
- kicad
- kig
- kismet
- kitty (requires python3)
- kitty-shell-integration (requires python3)
- klayout
- klipperscreen
- komikku
- kresus
- ktoblzcheck
- laborejo
- letterpress
- lib32-apitrace
- libabigail
- libgpiod
- libixion
- libkiwix
- libopenshot
- liborcus
- libratbag
- libreoffice-fresh
- libreoffice-still
- libsigrokdecode
- libsvm
- libuhd (testing)
- libuhd-utils (testing)
- libvips
- libvirt-python
- libvolk
- lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
- lightdm-slick-greeter
- liquidctl
- lldb
- llm-manager
- lm32-elf-gdb
- localsearch-testutils
- localsearch-testutils
- lollypop
- lttng-ust
- lutris
- lxc
- maelstrom-pytest
- mailman-web
- mailman3
- mailman3-hyperkitty
- malcontent
- mallard-ducktype
- mangohud
- mat2
- materialx
- matrix-synapse
- med-openmpi
- meld
- memray
- menumaker
- mercurial
- meson
- meson-python
- metadata-cleaner
- mididings
- mingw-w64-gcc
- mitmproxy
- mitmproxy2swagger
- mkdocs
- mkdocs-autorefs
- mkdocs-autorefs (testing)
- mkdocs-get-deps
- mkdocs-material
- mkdocs-material (testing)
- mkdocstrings
- mkosi
- molecule
- molecule-plugins
- mono
- moosefs
- mopidy
- morphosis
- mozo
- mugshot
- muse
- mutter
- mutter
- mutter46
- mvt
- mypy
- mysql-workbench
- namcap
- nanobind
- nautilus-python
- nemo
- netplan
- nfoview
- nicotine+
- nikola
- nitroshare
- nss-pam-ldapd
- nvchecker
- nvmetcli
- nwg-clipman
- nwg-displays
- nwg-hello
- nwg-icon-picker
- nwg-panel
- nwg-readme-browser
- nwg-shell
- nwg-shell-config
- nyx
- ocrfeeder
- odin
- onionshare
- opencamlib
- openredir
- openshot
- opensnitch
- opentimelineio
- or1k-elf-gdb
- orca
- orca
- osbuild
- osdlyrics
- osm2pgsql
- ostra-cg
- package-notes
- pam_wrapper
- paperwork
- paraview
- paraview-catalyst
- passff-host
- pastebinit
- patchutils (requires python3)
- patroneo
- pax-utils
- pcp
- pdfarranger
- pelican
- perf
- pgcli
- picard
- pifpaf
- piper
- pitivi
- pius
- platformio-core
- pluma
- pmbootstrap
- podman-compose
- ponysay
- postorius
- powerline
- ppc64le-elf-gdb
- profanity
- profanity-gtk
- psutils
- pulseaudio-equalizer
- pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa
- pulsemixer
- pwndbg
- py3status
- pyalpm
- pycharm-community-edition
- pydf
- pymol
- pypinyin
- pypiserver
- pyprof2calltree
- pyqt-builder
- pyside6
- pyside6-tools
- pysolfc
- pystatgrab
- pythia8
- python-aaf2
- python-aafigure
- python-acme
- python-adb-shell
- python-agate
- python-agate-dbf
- python-agate-excel
- python-agate-sql
- python-ailment
- python-aiobotocore
- python-aioconsole
- python-aiodiscover
- python-aioesphomeapi
- python-aiofiles
- python-aiogram
- python-aiohappyeyeballs
- python-aiohttp
- python-aiohttp-socks
- python-aioitertools
- python-aiomysql
- python-aiopg
- python-aioquic
- python-aiorpcx
- python-aiosignal
- python-aiosmtpd
- python-aiosqlite
- python-ajsonrpc
- python-alembic
- python-altair
- python-ana
- python-aniso8601
- python-annotated-types
- python-ansi2html
- python-ansible-compat
- python-ansicolor
- python-ansicolors
- python-antlr4
- python-anyio
- python-anyjson
- python-anysqlite
- python-anytree
- python-anywidget
- python-apeye
- python-apeye-core
- python-apipkg
- python-appdirs
- python-apsw
- python-archinfo
- python-argcomplete
- python-argh
- python-argparse-manpage
- python-arpeggio
- python-arpy
- python-arrow
- python-asgiref
- python-asn1crypto
- python-aspectlib
- python-astor
- python-astroid
- python-astropy
- python-astropy-iers-data
- python-asttokens
- python-astunparse
- python-async-lru
- python-async-timeout
- python-async_interrupt
- python-asyncpg
- python-asyncssh
- python-atomicwrites
- python-atpublic
- python-attrdict
- python-attrs
- python-aubio
- python-audioread
- python-audit
- python-auditwheel
- python-authheaders
- python-authlib
- python-authres
- python-autobahn
- python-autocommand
- python-autopage
- python-awesomeversion
- python-awkward
- python-aws-sam-translator
- python-aws-xray-sdk
- python-awscrt
- python-axolotl-curve25519
- python-b2sdk
- python-babel
- python-babel-glade
- python-babelfish
- python-bcc
- python-bcrypt
- python-beaker
- python-beautifulsoup4
- python-beniget
- python-better-exceptions
- python-bibtexparser
- python-bidict
- python-billiard
- python-binaryornot
- python-bitarray
- python-bitcoinlib
- python-bitstring
- python-black
- python-bleak
- python-blessed
- python-blinker
- python-blosc
- python-blosc2
- python-bluepy
- python-booleanoperations
- python-boto3
- python-botocore
- python-bottle
- python-bowler
- python-breathe
- python-brotli
- python-brotlicffi
- python-bsddb
- python-btrfs
- python-build
- python-buildbot-badges
- python-buildbot-www
- python-cachecontrol
- python-cachelib
- python-cachetools
- python-cachy
- python-cairo
- python-caldav
- python-calmjs
- python-calmjs.parse
- python-calmjs.types
- python-calver
- python-camel-converter
- python-can
- python-canonicaljson
- python-capng
- python-capstone
- python-cart
- python-cattrs
- python-cbor2
- python-cchardet
- python-cerberus
- python-certifi
- python-cfgv
- python-cfn-lint
- python-cgi
- python-chacha20poly1305-reuseable
- python-chardet
- python-charset-normalizer
- python-cheetah3
- python-cheroot
- python-cherrypy
- python-ciso8601
- python-cjkwrap
- python-claripy
- python-cle
- python-cli_helpers
- python-click
- python-click-aliases
- python-click-command-tree
- python-click-help-colors
- python-click-repl
- python-clint
- python-cloudpickle
- python-cmake-build-extension
- python-cogapp
- python-colorama
- python-colorclass
- python-colored-traceback
- python-coloredlogs
- python-colorlog
- python-colorthief
- python-colour
- python-comm
- python-configargparse
- python-configclass
- python-configobj
- python-configupdater
- python-consolekit
- python-constantly
- python-construct
- python-contourpy
- python-conway-polynomials
- python-cookiecutter
- python-cooldict
- python-copr
- python-coverage
- python-coverage-conditional-plugin
- python-cppheaderparser
- python-cpplint
- python-cppyy
- python-cppyy-backend
- python-cppyy-cling
- python-cpycppyy
- python-cram
- python-cramjam
- python-crashtest
- python-crate
- python-crazy-complete
- python-crc32c
- python-crc8
- python-crcmod
- python-crispy-bootstrap3
- python-crispy-bootstrap4
- python-croniter
- python-cryptography
- python-cson
- python-css-parser
- python-csscompressor
- python-cssselect
- python-cssselect2
- python-cuda-bindings
- python-cuda-core
- python-curio
- python-curtsies
- python-cvxopt
- python-cvxpy
- python-cycler
- python-cylp
- python-cymem
- python-cypari2
- python-cysignals
- python-cython-lint
- python-cython-test-exception-raiser
- python-cytoolz
- python-daemonize
- python-darkdetect
- python-dasbus
- python-dask
- python-database-cubic-hecke
- python-database-knotinfo
- python-databases
- python-datasets
- python-dateparser
- python-dbapi-compliance
- python-dbfread
- python-dbus
- python-dbus-deviation
- python-dbus-fast
- python-dbus-next
- python-dbusmock
- python-ddt
- python-debian
- python-debugpy
- python-decasify
- python-decorator
- python-defcon
- python-defusedxml
- python-dep-logic
- python-deprecated
- python-deprecation
- python-deprecation-alias
- python-diff-cover
- python-diff-match-patch
- python-dill
- python-dirty-equals
- python-discid
- python-discogs-client
- python-dist-meta
- python-distlib
- python-distorm
- python-distributed
- python-distro
- python-distutils-extra
- python-django
- python-django-allauth
- python-django-appconf
- python-django-classy-tags
- python-django-compressor
- python-django-crispy-forms
- python-django-environ
- python-django-filter
- python-django-gravatar
- python-django-guardian
- python-django-haystack
- python-django-mailman3
- python-django-rest-framework
- python-django-sekizai
- python-dleyna
- python-dnslib
- python-dnspython
- python-docopt
- python-docstring-to-markdown
- python-docutils
- python-docutils-stubs
- python-doit
- python-doit-py
- python-dom-toml
- python-domdf-python-tools
- python-dominate
- python-dotty-dict
- python-dpcontracts
- python-dpkt
- python-dropbox
- python-dunamai
- python-durationpy
- python-easygui
- python-easyprocess
- python-ecos
- python-edalize
- python-editables
- python-editor
- python-editorconfig
- python-elastic-transport
- python-elasticsearch
- python-elementpath
- python-email-validator
- python-emoji
- python-empy
- python-engineio
- python-enrich
- python-entrypoint2
- python-entrypoints
- python-ephemeral-port-reserve
- python-esphome-dashboard
- python-esphome-glyphsets
- python-et-xmlfile
- python-euclid3
- python-evalidate
- python-evdev
- python-eventlet
- python-exceptiongroup
- python-execnet
- python-executing
- python-expandvars
- python-extras
- python-fabulous
- python-falcon
- python-falcon (staging)
- python-fastapi
- python-fastbencode
- python-fasteners
- python-fastimport
- python-fastjsonschema
- python-fastnumbers
- python-fastparquet
- python-faust-cchardet
- python-feedgen
- python-feedgenerator
- python-fido2
- python-fields
- python-filebytes
- python-filelock
- python-filetype
- python-findpython
- python-fire
- python-fissix
- python-fixtures
- python-flake8-black
- python-flake8-docstrings
- python-flake8-isort
- python-flaky
- python-flask
- python-flask-babel
- python-flask-caching
- python-flask-compress
- python-flask-cors
- python-flask-login
- python-flask-mail
- python-flask-mailman
- python-flask-marshmallow
- python-flask-migrate
- python-flask-paranoid
- python-flask-principal
- python-flask-security-too
- python-flask-socketio
- python-flask-sqlalchemy
- python-flatbuffers
- python-flexcache
- python-flexmock
- python-flexparser
- python-flit
- python-flit-core
- python-flit-scm
- python-flufl-lock
- python-flufl.bounce
- python-flufl.i18n
- python-fluidity
- python-flup
- python-fnvhash
- python-fontparts
- python-fonttools
- python-fpylll
- python-fqdn
- python-freetype-py
- python-freezegun
- python-frozendict
- python-frozenlist
- python-fs
- python-fsspec
- python-funcparserlib
- python-furl
- python-fuse
- python-gammu
- python-gaphas
- python-gast
- python-generic
- python-genshi
- python-geographiclib
- python-geoip
- python-geoip2
- python-geojson
- python-geopy
- python-gevent-websocket
- python-gflags
- python-gherkin
- python-ghp-import
- python-gitdb
- python-github3py
- python-gitlab
- python-gitpython
- python-glfw
- python-globre
- python-gmpy2
- python-gnupg
- python-gnupginterface
- python-gnuradio
- python-gnuradio (testing)
- python-gobject
- python-google-auth
- python-google-auth-oauthlib
- python-gpgme
- python-gphoto2
- python-graph-tool
- python-graphql-core
- python-graphviz
- python-greenlet
- python-grpcio
- python-grpcio-tools
- python-gssapi
- python-gtkspellcheck
- python-gtts
- python-guessit
- python-guzzle-sphinx-theme
- python-h11
- python-hachoir
- python-halo
- python-handy-archives
- python-harparser
- python-hatch
- python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme
- python-hatch-jupyter-builder
- python-hatch-nodejs-version
- python-hatch-requirements-txt
- python-hatchling
- python-heapdict
- python-hexdump
- python-hglib
- python-hid
- python-hidapi
- python-hiredis
- python-hishel
- python-hist
- python-hjson
- python-hkdf
- python-hpack
- python-hsluv
- python-html2text
- python-html5tagger
- python-httpcore
- python-httplib2
- python-httpretty
- python-httptools
- python-httpx
- python-httpx-ws
- python-huggingface-hub
- python-humanfriendly
- python-humanize
- python-husl
- python-hvac
- python-hyperframe
- python-hypothesis
- python-i3ipc
- python-icmplib
- python-identify
- python-idna
- python-ifaddr
- python-igraph
- python-ijson
- python-imagesize
- python-imaplib2
- python-iminuit
- python-immutabledict
- python-importlib_resources
- python-infinity
- python-inflate64
- python-inflect
- python-inflection
- python-iniconfig
- python-inline-snapshot
- python-inline-snapshot (testing)
- python-installer
- python-intelhex
- python-internetarchive
- python-internetarchive (testing)
- python-intervals
- python-invoke
- python-inwx-domrobot
- python-iosbackup
- python-ipip-ipdb
- python-ipycanvas
- python-ipykernel
- python-ipympl
- python-ipyparallel
- python-ipython-autoimport
- python-ipython-genutils
- python-ipywidgets
- python-iso8601
- python-isodate
- python-isoduration
- python-isomd5sum
- python-isort
- python-itanium-demangler
- python-itemadapter
- python-iterable-io
- python-itk
- python-itsdangerous
- python-iwlib
- python-j2cli
- python-jack-client
- python-jaconv
- python-jaraco.classes
- python-jaraco.collections
- python-jaraco.context
- python-jaraco.functools
- python-jaraco.itertools
- python-jaraco.logging
- python-jaraco.path
- python-jaraco.test
- python-jaraco.text
- python-jedi
- python-jeepney
- python-jellyfin-apiclient
- python-jellyfish
- python-jieba
- python-jinja
- python-jiter
- python-jmespath
- python-joblib
- python-johnnycanencrypt
- python-josepy
- python-joserfc
- python-jq
- python-json-logger
- python-json-rpc
- python-json-stream
- python-json-stream-rs-tokenizer
- python-json5
- python-jsondiff
- python-jsonpath-ng
- python-jsonpickle
- python-jsonpointer
- python-jsonrpclib-pelix
- python-jsonschema
- python-jsonschema-path
- python-jsonschema-specifications
- python-junit-xml
- python-jupymake
- python-jupyter-client
- python-jupyter-core
- python-jupyter-events
- python-jupyter-server-terminals
- python-jupyter-sphinx
- python-jupyter-ydoc
- python-jupyterlab-server
- python-justbases
- python-justbytes
- python-jwcrypto
- python-k5test
- python-kaitaistruct
- python-kajiki
- python-kazoo
- python-kconfiglib
- python-keras
- python-keras-applications
- python-keras-preprocessing
- python-keystone
- python-keyutils
- python-kikit
- python-kiwisolver
- python-klein
- python-kombu
- python-krb5
- python-kubernetes
- python-kubernetes-validate
- python-lark-parser
- python-latex2mathml
- python-lazr.config
- python-lazr.delegates
- python-lazy-loader
- python-lazy-object-proxy
- python-leather
- python-legacy-cgi
- python-levenshtein
- python-lexicon
- python-lhafile
- python-libarchive-c
- python-libblockdev
- python-libcamera
- python-libcst
- python-libevdev
- python-libforensic1394
- python-librosa
- python-libsass
- python-libseccomp
- python-libseccomp (testing)
- python-libtmux
- python-libusb1
- python-libvcs
- python-license-expression
- python-lilv
- python-linetable
- python-linux-procfs
- python-littleutils
- python-llfuse
- python-llvmlite
- python-lmdb
- python-location
- python-locket
- python-lockfile
- python-log_symbols
- python-logbook
- python-logfury
- python-loguru
- python-logutils
- python-lttngust
- python-lupa
- python-lxc
- python-lxml
- python-lxml-html-clean
- python-ly
- python-lz4
- python-magic
- python-magic-filter
- python-magnumclient
- python-mailcap
- python-mailmanclient
- python-mako
- python-manhole
- python-manuel
- python-marisa
- python-markdown
- python-markdown2
- python-markups
- python-markupsafe
- python-matrix-common
- python-matroid-database
- python-maturin
- python-maxminddb
- python-mccabe
- python-mdurl
- python-mdx-gh-links
- python-mdx-video
- python-mediafire
- python-meilisearch
- python-memcached
- python-memory-allocator
- python-merge3
- python-mergedeep
- python-mergedict
- python-micawber
- python-mimeparse
- python-minidb
- python-minidump
- python-minio
- python-miniupnpc
- python-mistletoe
- python-mistune
- python-mitmproxy-rs
- python-mockito
- python-mongoengine
- python-monotonic
- python-more-itertools
- python-moreorless
- python-moto
- python-motor
- python-mpd2
- python-mpi4py
- python-mplhep_data
- python-mpris2
- python-mpv
- python-mpv-jsonipc
- python-msgpack
- python-mss
- python-mujson
- python-mulpyplexer
- python-multidict
- python-multipart
- python-multiprocess
- python-multivolumefile
- python-munch
- python-munkres
- python-mupdf
- python-musicbrainzngs
- python-mutagen
- python-mutatormath
- python-mwparserfromhell
- python-mygpoclient
- python-mypy_extensions
- python-mysql-connector
- python-mysqlclient
- python-myst-parser
- python-nampa
- python-narwhals
- python-natsort
- python-nbdime
- python-nbxmpp
- python-ndindex
- python-nest-asyncio
- python-netaddr
- python-nethsm-sdk-py
- python-netifaces
- python-netifaces2
- python-nh3
- python-nitrokey
- python-nkdfu
- python-nntplib
- python-noiseprotocol
- python-nose
- python-nose2
- python-notify2
- python-novaclient
- python-nox
- python-nptyping
- python-nskeyedunarchiver
- python-ntlm-auth
- python-numba
- python-numpy
- python-objgraph
- python-okonomiyaki
- python-olefile
- python-olm
- python-onnx
- python-openai
- python-openai-whisper
- python-openapi-core
- python-openapi-schema-validator
- python-openapi-spec-validator
- python-openbabel
- python-opengl
- python-openid
- python-openpyxl
- python-opt_einsum
- python-optree
- python-ordered-set
- python-orderedmultidict
- python-orjson
- python-osc
- python-oscpy
- python-oscrypto
- python-osmium
- python-osqp
- python-outcome
- python-overrides
- python-oyaml
- python-packaging
- python-paho-mqtt
- python-pallets-sphinx-themes
- python-pandocfilters
- python-papermill
- python-param
- python-parameterized
- python-parse
- python-parsedatetime
- python-parso
- python-partd
- python-passlib
- python-pasta
- python-paste
- python-pastedeploy
- python-pastel
- python-path
- python-pathable
- python-pathspec
- python-patiencediff
- python-pbkdf2
- python-pbr
- python-pbs-installer
- python-pcapy
- python-pcbnewtransition
- python-pdfrw
- python-pdftotext
- python-pdm
- python-pdm-backend
- python-pdm-build-locked
- python-pecan
- python-peewee
- python-pefile
- python-pem
- python-pendulum
- python-pep440
- python-perf
- python-pew
- python-pexpect
- python-pgpy
- python-pgspecial
- python-phonenumbers
- python-phpserialize
- python-pickleshare
- python-piexif
- python-pika
- python-pikepdf
- python-pilkit
- python-pillow
- python-pillow-heif
- python-pillowfight
- python-pint
- python-pip
- python-pipenv
- python-pipx
- python-pivy
- python-pixelmatch
- python-pkgconfig
- python-pkginfo
- python-platformdirs
- python-playwright
- python-plotly
- python-pluggy
- python-plumbum
- python-ply
- python-plyvel
- python-podcastparser
- python-poetry
- python-poetry-core
- python-poetry-dynamic-versioning
- python-poetry-plugin-up
- python-polars
- python-polib
- python-pooch
- python-portend
- python-potr
- python-pplpy
- python-pprofile
- python-prawcore
- python-prctl
- python-precis_i18n
- python-prefixed
- python-pretend
- python-primecountpy
- python-priority
- python-process-tests
- python-profilestats
- python-progressbar
- python-prometheus_client
- python-prompt_toolkit
- python-protego
- python-protobuf
- python-proton-keyring-linux
- python-proton-vpn-api-core
- python-proton-vpn-local-agent
- python-proton-vpn-network-manager
- python-proxmoxer
- python-proxy_tools
- python-psutil
- python-psycopg
- python-psycopg-pool
- python-psycopg2
- python-psygnal
- python-pt
- python-ptrace
- python-ptyprocess
- python-publicsuffix2
- python-pure-eval
- python-pure-sasl
- python-puremagic
- python-pwntools
- python-py
- python-py-cpuinfo
- python-py-partiql-parser
- python-py3c
- python-py7zr
- python-pyacoustid
- python-pyaes
- python-pyahocorasick
- python-pyalsa
- python-pyarrow
- python-pyasn
- python-pyasn1
- python-pyasynchat
- python-pyasyncore
- python-pyaudio
- python-pyaxmlparser
- python-pybars3
- python-pybcj
- python-pybluez
- python-pybox2d
- python-pybtex
- python-pycapnp
- python-pycdio
- python-pychm
- python-pyclibrary
- python-pyclipper
- python-pycodestyle
- python-pycosat
- python-pycountry
- python-pycparser
- python-pycrdt
- python-pycrdt-websocket
- python-pycryptodome
- python-pycryptodomex
- python-pycuda
- python-pycups
- python-pycurl
- python-pydantic
- python-pydantic-core
- python-pydantic-extra-types
- python-pydantic-settings
- python-pydbus
- python-pydicom
- python-pydispatcher
- python-pydle
- python-pydrive2
- python-pydyf
- python-pyelftools
- python-pyenchant
- python-pyerfa
- python-pyfiglet
- python-pyflakes
- python-pyftpdlib
- python-pyfuse3
- python-pygaljs
- python-pygame
- python-pygccxml
- python-pygdbmi
- python-pygit2
- python-pygments
- python-pygraphviz
- python-pyhamcrest
- python-pyhcl
- python-pyicu
- python-pyinotify
- python-pyjsparser
- python-pyjwt
- python-pykakasi
- python-pykcs11
- python-pykeepass
- python-pykerberos
- python-pykka
- python-pylatexenc
- python-pylev
- python-pylibacl
- python-pylibiio
- python-pyliblo
- python-pylibmc
- python-pylint
- python-pylint-venv
- python-pylons-sphinx-themes
- python-pylorcon2
- python-pylsqpack
- python-pymacaroons
- python-pymad
- python-pymdown-extensions
- python-pymediainfo
- python-pymeta3
- python-pymongo
- python-pymongo (testing)
- python-pymupdf
- python-pymysql
- python-pynacl
- python-pynamodb
- python-pynetbox
- python-pynitrokey
- python-pynormaliz
- python-pynvim
- python-pyocr
- python-pyopencl
- python-pyopenssl
- python-pyotherside
- python-pyotp
- python-pyparsing
- python-pyparted
- python-pypatchelf
- python-pypcode
- python-pypdf
- python-pypeg2
- python-pyperclip
- python-pyphen
- python-pypng
- python-pyppmd
- python-pypresence
- python-pyproject-api
- python-pyproject-hooks
- python-pyproject-metadata
- python-pyproject-parser
- python-pypubsub
- python-pypugjs
- python-pyqrcode
- python-pyqt5-sip
- python-pyqt6-3d
- python-pyqt6-charts
- python-pyqt6-datavisualization
- python-pyqt6-graphs
- python-pyqt6-networkauth
- python-pyqt6-sip
- python-pyqt6-webengine
- python-pyqtgraph
- python-pyrate-limiter
- python-pyro
- python-pyroute2
- python-pyrss2gen
- python-pysaml2
- python-pyscard
- python-pyscipopt
- python-pysequoia
- python-pyserial
- python-pysmbc
- python-pysmf
- python-pysmi
- python-pysmt
- python-pysnmp
- python-pysocks
- python-pysol_cards
- python-pysolr
- python-pyspellchecker
- python-pystache
- python-pystemmer
- python-pystray
- python-pyswip
- python-pytables
- python-pytest-aiohttp
- python-pytest-asyncio
- python-pytest-bdd
- python-pytest-click
- python-pytest-container
- python-pytest-datafiles
- python-pytest-datafixtures
- python-pytest-enabler
- python-pytest-env
- python-pytest-examples
- python-pytest-freezer
- python-pytest-helpers-namespace
- python-pytest-httpserver
- python-pytest-instafail
- python-pytest-jupyter
- python-pytest-lazy-fixtures
- python-pytest-mypy-testing
- python-pytest-pacman
- python-pytest-param-files
- python-pytest-playwright
- python-pytest-pretty
- python-pytest-rerunfailures
- python-pytest-responsemock
- python-pytest-ruff
- python-pytest-services
- python-pytest-shell-utilities
- python-pytest-skip-markers
- python-pytest-socket
- python-pytest-subprocess
- python-pytest-sugar
- python-pytest-testinfra
- python-pytest-trio
- python-pytest-xprocess
- python-python-multipart
- python-python-pkcs11
- python-python-socks
- python-pythran
- python-pytimeparse
- python-pytoolconfig
- python-pytorch
- python-pytorch-cuda
- python-pytorch-opt
- python-pytorch-opt-cuda
- python-pytorch-opt-rocm
- python-pytorch-rocm
- python-pytrie
- python-pytube
- python-pytz
- python-pytzdata
- python-pyuca
- python-pyusb
- python-pyvex
- python-pyvirtualdisplay
- python-pywal
- python-pywayland
- python-pywebview
- python-pywlroots
- python-pyx
- python-pyxattr
- python-pyxbe
- python-pyxdameraulevenshtein
- python-pyxdg
- python-pyyaml-env-tag
- python-pyzmq
- python-pyzstd
- python-qasync
- python-qdldl
- python-qpageview
- python-qrcode
- python-qrencode
- python-quart
- python-quart-cors
- python-quart-trio
- python-queuelib
- python-r2pipe
- python-railroad-diagrams
- python-rangehttpserver
- python-rapidfuzz
- python-rapidjson
- python-rarfile
- python-rawkit
- python-rcssmin
- python-re-assert
- python-reactivex
- python-readability-lxml
- python-rebulk
- python-recurring-ical-events
- python-redis
- python-reedsolo
- python-referencing
- python-reflink
- python-regex
- python-regress
- python-remoto
- python-rencode
- python-reportlab
- python-repoze.lru
- python-requests-aws4auth
- python-requests-credssp
- python-requests-file
- python-requests-gssapi
- python-requests-mock
- python-requests-ntlm
- python-requests-unixsocket
- python-resampy
- python-resolvelib
- python-respx
- python-resumable-urlretrieve
- python-rfc3986
- python-rfc3986-validator
- python-rfc3987
- python-rfc6555
- python-rjsmin
- python-robot-detection
- python-roman-numerals-py
- python-rpds-py
- python-rpy2
- python-rpyc
- python-rstr
- python-rtmidi
- python-rtree
- python-ruamel.yaml.clib
- python-ruff
- python-rx
- python-rzpipe
- python-s3transfer
- python-saml
- python-sane
- python-sanic-routing
- python-sanic-testing
- python-scapy
- python-schema
- python-schemdraw
- python-scikit-build-core
- python-scikit-hep-testdata
- python-scipy
- python-scripttest
- python-scrypt
- python-scs
- python-securesystemslib
- python-selinux
- python-semantic-version
- python-semver
- python-send2trash
- python-sentinels
- python-serpent
- python-setproctitle
- python-setuptools
- python-setuptools-declarative-requirements
- python-setuptools-gettext
- python-sgmllib3k
- python-sh
- python-shapely
- python-shellingham
- python-shippinglabel
- python-shodan
- python-should-dsl
- python-shtab
- python-signedjson
- python-simple-term-menu
- python-simpleitk
- python-simplejson
- python-simplemediawiki
- python-simplesat
- python-simplesoapy
- python-simplespectral
- python-six
- python-smartypants
- python-smmap
- python-snappy
- python-sniffio
- python-snowballstemmer
- python-socketio
- python-socksio
- python-sortedcollections
- python-sortedcontainers
- python-soundfile
- python-soupsieve
- python-soxr
- python-spake2
- python-speaklater
- python-speg
- python-sphinx-alabaster-theme
- python-sphinx-argparse
- python-sphinx-argparse-cli
- python-sphinx-autoapi
- python-sphinx-autobuild
- python-sphinx-autodoc-typehints
- python-sphinx-autorun
- python-sphinx-bootstrap-theme
- python-sphinx-click
- python-sphinx-hawkmoth
- python-sphinx-intl
- python-sphinx-issues
- python-sphinx-jinja
- python-sphinx-lv2-theme
- python-sphinx-notfound-page
- python-sphinx-prompt
- python-sphinx-reredirects
- python-sphinx-sitemap
- python-sphinx-tabs
- python-sphinx-theme-builder
- python-sphinx_rtd_theme
- python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp
- python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp
- python-sphinxcontrib-fulltoc
- python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp
- python-sphinxcontrib-jquery
- python-sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet
- python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput
- python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp
- python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml
- python-sphinxcontrib-trio
- python-sphinxygen
- python-sphobjinv
- python-spinners
- python-spur
- python-spyder-kernels
- python-sqlalchemy
- python-sqlalchemy-continuum
- python-sqlalchemy-i18n
- python-sqlalchemy-utils
- python-sqlalchemy1.4
- python-sqlite-anyio
- python-sqlitedict
- python-sqlmodel
- python-sqlparse
- python-srcinfo
- python-srt
- python-srt_equalizer
- python-sshtunnel
- python-starlette
- python-stdlibs
- python-stem
- python-stevedore
- python-stone
- python-stopit
- python-strict-rfc3339
- python-strictyaml
- python-structlog
- python-subprocess-tee
- python-suds
- python-superqt
- python-svglib
- python-svgwrite
- python-sword
- python-sybil
- python-symengine
- python-systemd
- python-tabulate
- python-tabview
- python-tailer
- python-tappy
- python-tasklib
- python-teamcity-messages
- python-tempora
- python-tenacity
- python-tensile (staging)
- python-tensorflow-serving-api
- python-tensorflow-serving-api-gpu
- python-termcolor
- python-terminado
- python-testfixtures
- python-testpath
- python-testrepository
- python-testresources
- python-tests
- python-text-unidecode
- python-texttable
- python-textual
- python-tftpy
- python-threadpoolctl
- python-threat9-test-bed
- python-thrift
- python-tiktoken
- python-time-machine
- python-tiny-proxy
- python-tld
- python-tlsh
- python-tlv8
- python-tokenize-rt
- python-toml
- python-tomli
- python-tomli-w
- python-tomlkit
- python-toolz
- python-toposort
- python-tornado
- python-torrentool
- python-tox
- python-tox-current-env
- python-tpm2-pytss
- python-tqdm
- python-tracerite
- python-traitlets
- python-traits
- python-treelib
- python-treq
- python-trio
- python-trio-asyncio
- python-trio-websocket
- python-trove-classifiers
- python-trustme
- python-truststore
- python-tubes
- python-tweepy
- python-twisted
- python-txaio
- python-txredisapi
- python-txtorcon
- python-types-python-dateutil
- python-typing_extensions
- python-typogrify
- python-tzdata
- python-tzlocal
- python-u-msgpack
- python-ubjson
- python-uc-micro-py
- python-ufolib2
- python-uhd (testing)
- python-uhi
- python-ujson
- python-ukpostcodeparser
- python-ulid
- python-ulid-transform
- python-uncertainties
- python-unearth
- python-unicodedata2
- python-unicorn
- python-unidecode
- python-unidiff
- python-unpaddedbase64
- python-unrardll
- python-uproot
- python-uri-template
- python-uritemplate
- python-urllib3
- python-urwid
- python-urwidtrees
- python-userpath
- python-utils
- python-uv
- python-uvloop
- python-vagrant
- python-validate-email
- python-validate-pyproject
- python-validators
- python-vcrpy
- python-vcversioner
- python-verlib2
- python-versioneer
- python-versioningit
- python-vigra
- python-virtualenv
- python-virtualenv-clone
- python-visitor
- python-vl-convert
- python-vobject
- python-voila
- python-volatile
- python-volume_key
- python-voluptuous
- python-vosk
- python-w3lib
- python-waitress
- python-wand
- python-watchdog
- python-watchfiles
- python-watchgod
- python-wcag-contrast-ratio
- python-wcwidth
- python-weasyprint
- python-webcolors
- python-webencodings
- python-webob
- python-webob-docs
- python-webrtcvad
- python-websocket-client
- python-websockets
- python-werkzeug
- python-whatthepatch
- python-wheel
- python-wheezy-template
- python-whelk
- python-whey
- python-whitenoise
- python-whoosh
- python-wilderness
- python-wrapt
- python-wsaccel
- python-wtforms
- python-wurlitzer
- python-x-wr-timezone
- python-xapian
- python-xapian-haystack
- python-xapp
- python-xarray
- python-xkbcommon
- python-xlrd
- python-xlsxwriter
- python-xlwt
- python-xmljson
- python-xmlschema
- python-xmltodict
- python-xxhash
- python-y-py
- python-yaml
- python-yara
- python-yarl
- python-ypy-websocket
- python-ytmusicapi
- python-yubico
- python-z3-solver
- python-zabbix-api
- python-zc.lockfile
- python-zeroconf
- python-ziafont
- python-zict
- python-zipfile-deflate64
- python-zipp
- python-zipstream-ng
- python-zita-jacktools
- python-zodbpickle
- python-zodbpickle (testing)
- python-zope-annotation
- python-zope-annotation (testing)
- python-zope-component
- python-zope-configuration
- python-zope-copy
- python-zope-deferredimport
- python-zope-event
- python-zope-exceptions
- python-zope-hookable
- python-zope-i18nmessageid
- python-zope-interface
- python-zope-location
- python-zope-proxy
- python-zope-schema
- python-zope-security
- python-zope-testing
- python-zope-testrunner
- python-zope-testrunner (testing)
- python-zopfli
- python-zstandard
- python-zxcvbn
- python-zxcvbn-rs
- qemu-tools
- qtcreator
- qtile
- quodlibet
- rabbitmqadmin
- radicale
- ranger
- rdkit
- redo-python
- reflector
- remmina
- renderdoc
- repo
- repod
- reprotest
- retext
- reuse
- rhythmbox
- riscv32-elf-gdb
- riscv64-elf-gdb
- riscv64-linux-gnu-gdb
- rocm-gdb
- rocm-gdb (staging)
- rocm-smi-lib
- rocm-smi-lib (staging)
- rocminfo
- rocminfo (staging)
- rocprofiler
- rocprofiler (staging)
- root
- root-cuda
- ropgadget
- ropper
- routersploit
- rss2email
- rst2pdf
- rubber
- ruby-pycall
- rz-cutter
- s-tui
- sagemath
- sagemath-giac
- samba
- scapy
- scons
- scrapy
- scribus (requires python3)
- secrets
- setconf
- setzer
- sh2-elf-gdb
- shiboken6
- showtime
- sigal
- singularity
- sip
- skrooge
- smbclient
- snap-pac
- soapy_power
- soapysdr
- sof-tools
- solaar
- spectmorph-tools
- speedtest-cli
- spyder
- sqlfluff
- sqlmap
- squeekboard
- ssh-audit
- sshtunnel
- steam
- subdl
- sway-contrib
- syncplay
- syndication-domination
- systemtap
- tellico
- tembro
- tensorboard
- terminator
- thefuck
- tlsrpt-reporter
- tmuxp
- todoman
- toot
- torbrowser-launcher
- totem
- towncrier
- tpm2-pkcs11
- tracer
- transmageddon
- trash-cli
- tuna
- txt2tags
- typobuster
- udiskie
- ufw
- umu-launcher
- unoconv
- upmpdcli
- urh
- urh (testing)
- usd
- uvicorn
- uwsgi-plugin-python
- uwsm
- valuta
- vapoursynth
- vcspull
- vice
- vim-jedi
- vim-ultisnips
- vimiv
- virt-firmware
- virtme-ng
- virtme-ng (testing)
- virtualbox
- virtualbox-sdk
- visidata
- vit
- volatility3
- vulkan-mesa-layers
- waf
- webfont-kit-generator
- widelands
- wifite
- wike
- wikicurses
- woob
- wsdd
- xdot
- xfce4-panel-profiles
- xfce4-screensaver
- xkcdpass
- xmldiff
- xonsh
- xortool
- xpra
- xrootd
- yamllint
- yapf
- yosys
- yt-dlp
- yubikey-manager
- zim
- aerc (optional)
- android-tools (optional)
- audaspace (optional)
- bacon (optional)
- bmake (optional)
- boost (optional)
- botan (optional)
- botan2 (optional)
- brltty (optional)
- btfs (optional)
- btrbk (optional)
- btrfs-progs (optional)
- bullet (optional)
- cairo-dock-plug-ins (optional)
- calcurse (optional)
- cantor (optional)
- cifs-utils (optional)
- clang (optional)
- clang18 (optional)
- claws-mail (optional)
- createrepo_c (optional)
- cryptominisat (optional)
- csoundqt (optional)
- dfu-util (optional)
- dtc (optional)
- ecasound (optional)
- evemu (optional)
- fastfetch (optional)
- faust (optional)
- fish (optional)
- flann (optional)
- freedroidrpg (optional)
- freeradius (optional)
- gammu (optional)
- gdcm (optional)
- git (optional)
- gpac (optional)
- graphviz (optional)
- gstreamer (optional)
- gstreamer (staging) (optional)
- gtest (optional)
- gtk2 (optional)
- gupnp (optional)
- gvim (optional)
- hatari (optional)
- haxe (optional)
- hepmc (optional)
- hivex (optional)
- i2c-tools (optional)
- imath (optional)
- inn (optional)
- iproute2 (optional)
- john (optional)
- juce (optional)
- kdevelop (optional)
- kea (optional)
- keyd (optional)
- ki18n (optional)
- ki18n5 (optional)
- kodi-eventclients (optional)
- konversation (optional)
- kopeninghours (optional)
- kvirc (optional)
- lcov (optional)
- ldb (optional)
- leatherman (optional)
- ledger (optional)
- lensfun (optional)
- libcaca (optional)
- libcec (optional)
- libcomps (optional)
- libdnf (optional)
- libevent (optional)
- libftdi (optional)
- libguestfs (optional)
- libieee1284 (optional)
- libimobiledevice (optional)
- libiptcdata (optional)
- liblc3 (optional)
- liblouis (optional)
- libmsym (optional)
- libnbd (optional)
- libnewt (optional)
- libplist (optional)
- libpwquality (optional)
- librepo (optional)
- libsigrok (optional)
- libsmbios (optional)
- libsolv (optional)
- libtorrent-rasterbar (optional)
- libuhd (optional)
- libxml2 (optional)
- libxslt (optional)
- lilypond (optional)
- link-grammar (optional)
- lirc (optional)
- lokalize (optional)
- magma (optional)
- mc (optional)
- mediawiki (optional)
- mlt (optional)
- munin-node (optional)
- mutt (optional)
- neomutt (optional)
- net-snmp (optional)
- netdata (optional)
- newsboat (optional)
- nfs-utils (optional)
- nftables (optional)
- node-gyp (optional)
- nzbget (optional)
- obs-studio (optional)
- ogre (optional)
- opencolorio (optional)
- openconnect (optional)
- opendht (optional)
- opendmarc (optional)
- openimageio (optional)
- openipmi (optional)
- openshadinglanguage (optional)
- pcsclite (optional)
- picom (optional)
- plasma-firewall (optional)
- postfixadmin (optional)
- postgresql (optional)
- postgresql-old-upgrade (optional)
- prjtrellis (optional)
- proxmark3 (optional)
- qbittorrent (optional)
- qtermwidget (optional)
- rdma-core (optional)
- reaper (optional)
- refind (optional)
- retroarch (optional)
- rlwrap (optional)
- roundcubemail (optional)
- rrdtool (optional)
- rsync (optional)
- rt-tests (optional)
- sdcc (optional)
- shiboken6 (optional)
- signing-party (optional)
- skktools (optional)
- spring (optional)
- strongswan (optional)
- subversion (optional)
- swi-prolog (optional)
- synfigstudio (optional)
- syslog-ng (optional)
- talloc (optional)
- task (optional)
- tdb (optional)
- tevent (optional)
- texlive-binextra (optional)
- texworks (optional)
- tiled (optional)
- timew (optional)
- tinyssh (optional)
- trace-cmd (optional)
- unbound (optional)
- urjtag (optional)
- usbutils (optional)
- util-linux-libs (optional)
- valgrind (optional)
- varnish (optional)
- vigra (optional)
- vim (optional)
- vim-csound (optional)
- vim-latexsuite (optional)
- vim-runtime (optional)
- vtk (optional)
- vulkan-headers (optional)
- weechat (optional)
- whitedb (optional)
- xapp (optional)
- xed (optional)
- xf86-video-qxl (optional)
- xfce4-settings (optional)
- xfsprogs (optional)
- zbar (optional)
- zeitgeist (optional)
- znc (optional)
- 0ad (make)
- aarch64-linux-gnu-glibc (make)
- aida-x (make)
- alligator (make)
- amd-ucode (make)
- amdvlk (make)
- antlr4-runtime (make)
- apr (make)
- apr-util (make)
- arch-wiki-docs (make)
- arch-wiki-docs (staging) (make)
- arch-wiki-lite (make)
- arch-wiki-lite (staging) (make)
- archlinux-keyring (make)
- argocd (make)
- arrayfire (make)
- arrayfire (testing) (make)
- audacity (make)
- audacity (testing) (make)
- audacity-docs (make)
- audacity-docs (testing) (make)
- audaspace (make)
- audit (make)
- avogadrolibs (make)
- avr-libc (make)
- baresip (make)
- bazel (make)
- bcc (make)
- bear (make)
- bigsh0t (make)
- binaryen (make)
- birdfont (make)
- bitwarden (make)
- bitwarden-cli (make)
- black-hole-solver (make)
- blackmagic (make)
- lapack (make)
- boost (make)
- bootconfig (make)
- botan (make)
- botan2 (make)
- bpf (make)
- btrfs-progs (make)
- budgie-session (make)
- bullet (make)
- ca-certificates-mozilla (make)
- ca-certificates-mozilla (testing) (make)
- cairo-dock-plug-ins (make)
- caja-extensions (make)
- calindori (make)
- cantor (make)
- caps (make)
- capstone (make)
- cardinal (make)
- catch2 (make)
- catch2-v2 (make)
- lapack (make)
- cern-vdt (make)
- cherrytree (make)
- chromium (make)
- cjdns (make)
- clamav (make)
- claws-mail (make)
- cmark (make)
- cmark-gfm (make)
- code (make)
- coin-or-lemon (make)
- comgr (make)
- comgr (staging) (make)
- compiler-rt (make)
- compiler-rt18 (make)
- contour (make)
- coq (make)
- coreutils (make)
- cotp (make)
- cozy-desktop (make)
- cppcheck (make)
- cpupower (make)
- createrepo_c (make)
- crun (make)
- cryfs (make)
- csound (make)
- ctemplate (make)
- dart (make)
- davix (make)
- dbus (make)
- dconf (make)
- deepin-boot-maker (make)
- deepin-desktop-schemas (make)
- deepin-qt-dbus-factory (make)
- deepin-screensaver-pp (make)
- deno (make)
- deskflow (make)
- directx-shader-compiler (make)
- distorm (make)
- dleyna (make)
- dmtcp (make)
- dolphin-emu (make)
- doxygen (make)
- dvisvgm (make)
- ecasound (make)
- edk2 (make)
- efl (make)
- electron27 (make)
- electron31 (make)
- electron32 (make)
- electron33 (make)
- electron34 (make)
- (make)
- emptyepsilon (make)
- engrampa (make)
- eslint (make)
- evemu (make)
- evolution-data-server (make)
- evolution-ews (make)
- f3d (make)
- f3d (staging) (make)
- farstream (make)
- fastjet (make)
- fcitx (make)
- fcitx-mozc (make)
- fcitx5-breeze (make)
- fcitx5-configtool (make)
- fcitx5-mozc (make)
- fetchmail (make)
- file-roller (make)
- finch (make)
- findutils (make)
- firefox (make)
- firefox-developer-edition (make)
- firefox-tridactyl (make)
- firefox-ublock-origin (make)
- flann (make)
- flint (make)
- foot (make)
- forge (make)
- freeciv (make)
- freedroidrpg (make)
- freeradius (make)
- functional-plus (make)
- gammastep (make)
- gammu (make)
- garcon (make)
- gcc (make)
- gcc13 (make)
- gdb (make)
- gdcm (make)
- geeqie (make)
- giac (make)
- gimp-help (make)
- ginac (make)
- git (make)
- gitui (make)
- glib2 (make)
- glibc (make)
- glslang (make)
- gn (make)
- gnome-bluetooth-3.0 (make)
- gnome-keyring (make)
- gnome-photos (make)
- gnome-session (make)
- gnome-settings-daemon (make)
- gnucash (make)
- gobject-introspection (make)
- gpg-tui (make)
- gpgme (make)
- grafana (make)
- graphite (make)
- graphviz (make)
- grub (make)
- gst-devtools (make)
- gst-devtools (staging) (make)
- gst-devtools-libs (make)
- gst-devtools-libs (staging) (make)
- gst-editing-services (make)
- gst-editing-services (staging) (make)
- gst-libav (make)
- gst-libav (staging) (make)
- gst-plugin-gtk (make)
- gst-plugin-gtk (staging) (make)
- gst-plugin-msdk (make)
- gst-plugin-msdk (staging) (make)
- gst-plugin-onnx (make)
- gst-plugin-onnx (staging) (make)
- gst-plugin-opencv (make)
- gst-plugin-opencv (staging) (make)
- gst-plugin-qml6 (make)
- gst-plugin-qml6 (staging) (make)
- gst-plugin-qmlgl (make)
- gst-plugin-qmlgl (staging) (make)
- gst-plugin-qsv (make)
- gst-plugin-qsv (staging) (make)
- gst-plugin-va (make)
- gst-plugin-va (staging) (make)
- gst-plugin-wpe (make)
- gst-plugin-wpe (staging) (make)
- gst-plugins-bad (make)
- gst-plugins-bad (staging) (make)
- gst-plugins-bad-libs (make)
- gst-plugins-bad-libs (staging) (make)
- gst-plugins-base (make)
- gst-plugins-base (staging) (make)
- gst-plugins-base-libs (make)
- gst-plugins-base-libs (staging) (make)
- gst-plugins-good (make)
- gst-plugins-good (staging) (make)
- gst-plugins-ugly (make)
- gst-plugins-ugly (staging) (make)
- gst-python (make)
- gst-python (staging) (make)
- gst-rtsp-server (make)
- gst-rtsp-server (staging) (make)
- gstreamer (make)
- gstreamer (staging) (make)
- gstreamer-docs (make)
- gstreamer-docs (staging) (make)
- gstreamer-vaapi (make)
- gstreamer-vaapi (staging) (make)
- gtest (make)
- gtk4-layer-shell (make)
- gtkimageview (make)
- gvfs (make)
- gvim (make)
- hacksaw (make)
- handbrake (make)
- harfbuzz (make)
- hedgedoc (make)
- hepmc (make)
- hexpatch (make)
- hip-runtime-amd (make)
- hip-runtime-amd (staging) (make)
- hip-runtime-nvidia (make)
- hip-runtime-nvidia (staging) (make)
- hipblaslt (make)
- hipblaslt (staging) (make)
- hiprt (make)
- hiprt (staging) (make)
- hivex (make)
- hydrogen (make)
- hyperscan (make)
- hyperv (make)
- icu (make)
- imath (make)
- inn (make)
- intel-graphics-compiler (make)
- intel-media-sdk (make)
- intel-speed-select (make)
- iso-codes (make)
- isomd5sum (make)
- ispc (make)
- itinerary (make)
- itk (make)
- jami-qt (make)
- java-simpleitk (make)
- jless (make)
- jomon (make)
- jq (make)
- js115 (make)
- js128 (make)
- jsoncpp (make)
- juce (make)
- julia (make)
- kalzium (make)
- kamoso (make)
- kasts (make)
- kcov (make)
- kcpuid (make)
- kdb (make)
- kea (make)
- keysmith (make)
- keystone (make)
- kgeography (make)
- ki18n (make)
- ki18n5 (make)
- kid3 (make)
- kirigami-gallery (make)
- kmon (make)
- kongress (make)
- kontrast (make)
- kopeninghours (make)
- kosmindoormap (make)
- kproperty (make)
- kreport (make)
- ktrip (make)
- kvirc (make)
- kweather (make)
- kwin (make)
- lapack (make)
- lapce (make)
- ldb (make)
- leatherman (make)
- ledger (make)
- lib32-amdvlk (make)
- lib32-clang (make)
- lib32-dbus (make)
- lib32-dbus-glib (make)
- lib32-gcc-libs (make)
- lib32-glib2 (make)
- lib32-glibc (make)
- lib32-harfbuzz (make)
- lib32-icu (make)
- lib32-libevent (make)
- lib32-libglvnd (make)
- lib32-libindicator (make)
- lib32-libinstpatch (make)
- lib32-libpgm (make)
- lib32-libpsl (make)
- lib32-libsndfile (make)
- lib32-libxcb (make)
- lib32-libxml2 (make)
- lib32-llvm (make)
- lib32-nss (make)
- lib32-nss (testing) (make)
- lib32-renderdoc (make)
- lib32-rust-libs (make)
- lib32-spirv-tools (make)
- lib32-tdb (make)
- libblockdev (make)
- libbytesize (make)
- libc++ (make)
- libcaca (make)
- libcap-ng (make)
- libcec (make)
- libclc (make)
- libcomps (make)
- libcontentaction (make)
- libcpuid (make)
- libdisplay-info (make)
- libdnf (make)
- evolution-data-server (make)
- libelfin (make)
- libevdev (make)
- libevent (make)
- libforensic1394 (make)
- libftdi (make)
- libgccjit (make)
- gobject-introspection (make)
- libgit2 (make)
- libglvnd (make)
- libguestfs (make)
- libieee1284 (make)
- libime (make)
- libindicator (make)
- libinstpatch (make)
- libjxl (make)
- liblc3 (make)
- libloc (make)
- libmatekbd (make)
- libmfx (make)
- libmupdf (make)
- libmypaint (make)
- libnbd (make)
- libnewt (make)
- libnvme (make)
- libolm (make)
- libopenshot-audio (make)
- libpeas (make)
- libpeas-2 (make)
- libpeas (make)
- libpgm (make)
- libplacebo (make)
- libpoly (make)
- libpqxx (make)
- libpsl (make)
- libpulse (make)
- libpurple (make)
- librdkafka (make)
- libreoffice-fresh (make)
- libreoffice-still (make)
- librepo (make)
- libretro-dolphin (make)
- libretro-mame (make)
- libretro-mame2016 (make)
- libretro-ppsspp (make)
- libsigrok (make)
- libsmbios (make)
- libsndfile (make)
- libsolv (make)
- libssh (make)
- libunicode (make)
- libvirt-python (make)
- libvoikko (make)
- libwbclient (make)
- libxcb (make)
- libxml2 (make)
- libxmlbird (make)
- libxslt (make)
- lilv (make)
- lilypond (make)
- linux (make)
- linux-firmware (make)
- linux-hardened (make)
- linux-headers (make)
- linux-lts (make)
- linux-rt (make)
- linux-rt-lts (make)
- linux-tools-meta (make)
- linux-zen (make)
- lirc (make)
- llvm-julia (make)
- llvm14 (make)
- llvm15 (make)
- llvm18 (make)
- localsearch (make)
- lorcon (make)
- lto-dump (make)
- lttng-ust (make)
- lua-simpleitk (make)
- magma (make)
- mame (make)
- man-pages-zh (make)
- marisa (make)
- mate-notification-daemon (make)
- mate-power-manager (make)
- mate-session-manager (make)
- mate-system-monitor (make)
- mate-terminal (make)
- mate-utils (make)
- mattermost (make)
- maxima (make)
- mbedtls (make)
- mgard (make)
- mididings (make)
- miniupnpc (make)
- mlt (make)
- mmctl (make)
- mold (make)
- monero (make)
- monero-gui (make)
- mono-simpleitk (make)
- mousetweaks (make)
- mumble (make)
- mupdf (make)
- musescore (make)
- ncspot (make)
- neochat (make)
- neovide (make)
- network-manager-sstp (make)
- networkmanager-openconnect (make)
- networkmanager-openvpn (make)
- networkmanager-pptp (make)
- networkmanager-vpnc (make)
- nftables (make)
- ninja (make)
- nodejs (make)
- nodejs-lts-iron (make)
- nodejs-lts-jod (make)
- notmuch (make)
- nss (make)
- nss (testing) (make)
- nut (make)
- obs-studio (make)
- ogre (make)
- onetbb (make)
- onnx (make)
- open-vm-tools (make)
- opencascade (make)
- opencl-headers (make)
- opencolorio (make)
- openconnect (make)
- opengl-man-pages (make)
- openimagedenoise (make)
- openimagedenoise (staging) (make)
- openimageio (make)
- openipmi (make)
- openmp (make)
- openpmix (make)
- opensearch-dashboards-alerting-plugin (make)
- opensearch-dashboards-anomaly-detection-plugin (make)
- opensearch-dashboards-gantt-chart-plugin (make)
- opensearch-dashboards-index-management-plugin (make)
- opensearch-dashboards-notifications-plugin (make)
- opensearch-dashboards-observability-plugin (make)
- opensearch-dashboards-query-workbench-plugin (make)
- opensearch-dashboards-reports-plugin (make)
- opensearch-dashboards-security-plugin (make)
- openshadinglanguage (make)
- opensubdiv (make)
- openvdb (make)
- openvswitch (make)
- openxr (make)
- osquery (make)
- ostra-cg (make)
- ostree (make)
- ot-cryptid (make)
- ot-keys (make)
- ot-simian (make)
- ot-urchin (make)
- pahole (make)
- parole (make)
- pdal (make)
- perf (make)
- perl-marisa (make)
- phonegap (make)
- pidgin (make)
- pidgin-talkfilters (make)
- plasma-firewall (make)
- pluma (make)
- pocl (make)
- polybar (make)
- poppler (make)
- postgresql (make)
- postgresql-old-upgrade (make)
- ppsspp (make)
- prettier (make)
- prjtrellis (make)
- profanity (make)
- proxmark3 (make)
- pulseaudio (make)
- pythia8 (make)
- python-audit (make)
- python-bcc (make)
- python-bleach (make)
- python-capng (make)
- python-capstone (make)
- python-cheetah3 (make)
- python-decorator (make)
- python-distorm (make)
- python-django (make)
- python-dleyna (make)
- python-gpgme (make)
- python-harparser (make)
- python-hs-dbus-signature (make)
- python-intervals (make)
- python-isomd5sum (make)
- python-itk (make)
- python-keystone (make)
- python-keyutils (make)
- python-libblockdev (make)
- python-libforensic1394 (make)
- python-lilv (make)
- python-location (make)
- python-lttngust (make)
- python-marisa (make)
- python-miniupnpc (make)
- python-mupdf (make)
- python-olm (make)
- python-onnx (make)
- python-pbkdf2 (make)
- python-pcapy (make)
- python-pecan (make)
- python-pew (make)
- python-pybullet (make)
- python-pyinotify (make)
- python-pylorcon2 (make)
- python-pymacaroons (make)
- python-pysmbc (make)
- python-pythia8 (make)
- python-pytorch (make)
- python-pytz (make)
- python-pyxattr (make)
- python-r2pipe (make)
- python-reedsolo (make)
- python-rzpipe (make)
- python-send2trash (make)
- python-simpleitk (make)
- python-sqlalchemy-utils (make)
- python-sword (make)
- python-tftpy (make)
- python-tlsh (make)
- python-u-msgpack (make)
- python-unicorn (make)
- python-volume_key (make)
- python-vosk (make)
- python-webencodings (make)
- python-z3-solver (make)
- pyzy (make)
- qemu (make)
- qgpgme-qt6 (make)
- qt5-declarative (make)
- qt5-doc (make)
- qt5-webengine (make)
- qt6-declarative (make)
- qt6-doc (make)
- quassel (make)
- r-simpleitk (make)
- rabbitmq (make)
- rauc (make)
- rccl (make)
- rccl (staging) (make)
- rclone (make)
- rdma-core (make)
- recode (make)
- recoll (make)
- redshift (make)
- rio (make)
- ripasso (make)
- riscv64-linux-gnu-glibc (make)
- ristretto (make)
- rizin (make)
- rocblas (make)
- rocblas (staging) (make)
- rocksdb (make)
- rocm-device-libs (make)
- rocm-device-libs (staging) (make)
- rocm-llvm (make)
- rocm-llvm (staging) (make)
- rocrand (make)
- rocrand (staging) (make)
- rpm-tools (make)
- ruby-marisa (make)
- ruby-simpleitk (make)
- ruby-unicorn-engine (make)
- rust (make)
- sad (make)
- sage-data-elliptic_curves (make)
- samba (make)
- sane (make)
- schismtracker (make)
- scx-scheds (make)
- seabios (make)
- shaderc (make)
- signal-desktop (make)
- silicon (make)
- simpleitk (make)
- skaffold (make)
- skia-sharp (make)
- slurm-llnl (make)
- smbclient (make)
- snes9x (make)
- spirv-tools (make)
- spring (make)
- srs (make)
- sssd (make)
- step (make)
- stp (make)
- strongswan (make)
- subversion (make)
- sundials (make)
- sunpinyin (make)
- surge-xt (make)
- sword (make)
- swtpm (make)
- syslinux (make)
- syslog-ng (make)
- systeroid (make)
- sz (make)
- talloc (make)
- tcl-simpleitk (make)
- tdb (make)
- teeworlds (make)
- telegram-desktop (make)
- telepathy-gabble (make)
- telepathy-idle (make)
- telepathy-logger (make)
- telepathy-mission-control (make)
- telepathy-salut (make)
- tenacity (make)
- terminus-font (make)
- tevent (make)
- texworks (make)
- thermald (make)
- thunderbird (make)
- thunderbird-ublock-origin (make)
- tilda (make)
- tiled (make)
- tinygo (make)
- tlsh (make)
- tmon (make)
- tomcat-native (make)
- trace-cmd (make)
- ttf-monoid (make)
- tumbler (make)
- turbostat (make)
- ublock-origin (make)
- uboot-tools (make)
- unbound (make)
- uncrustify (make)
- unicorn (make)
- upower (make)
- urjtag (make)
- usbip (make)
- util-linux (make)
- uwsgi (make)
- vc-intrinsics (make)
- vector (make)
- verilator (make)
- vim (make)
- vim-ansible (make)
- vim-runtime (make)
- virglrenderer (make)
- virtualbox (make)
- vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs (make)
- volume_key (make)
- vosk-api (make)
- vtk (make)
- vulkan-lunarg-tools (make)
- vulkan-headers (make)
- vulkan-html-docs (requires python3) (make)
- vulkan-tools (make)
- vulkan-utility-libraries (make)
- wasi-libc++ (make)
- webkit2gtk (make)
- webkit2gtk-4.1 (make)
- webkit2gtk-docs (make)
- webkitgtk-6.0 (make)
- weechat (make)
- wesnoth (make)
- wezterm (make)
- whitedb (make)
- wireshark (make)
- wmfocus (make)
- workerd (make)
- wpewebkit (make)
- x86_energy_perf_policy (make)
- xcb-proto (make)
- xcb-util-errors (make)
- xcolor (make)
- xdelta3 (make)
- xdg-desktop-portal-gtk (make)
- xfce4-windowck-plugin (make)
- xiphos (make)
- xkeyboard-config (make)
- yubioath-desktop (make)
- z3 (make)
- zbar (make)
- zfp (make)
- znc (make)
- znc-clientbuffer (make)
- zutty (make)
- zziplib (make)
- arrow (check)
- automake (check)
- bats-file (check)
- bupstash (check)
- casync (check)
- cbindgen (check)
- check-sieve (check)
- composefs (check)
- couchdb (check)
- cpp-hocon (check)
- distro-info-data (check)
- dive (check)
- dsq (check)
- espeak-ng (check)
- exiv2 (check)
- lib32-libxslt (check)
- libdwarf (check)
- libspectmorph (check)
- libwhereami (check)
- mailcap (check)
- mbedtls (check)
- mbedtls2 (check)
- mosquitto (check)
- nickel (check)
- node-gyp (check)
- openscad (check)
- pacman (check)
- python-uv (check)
- re2c (check)
- rosegarden (check)
- rustscan (check)
- spectmorph (check)
- spirv-llvm-translator (check)
- starship (check)
- swig (check)
- trojan (check)
- trurl (check)
- uv (check)
- wget (check)
- zydis (check)