python-docutils 1:0.21.2-2
Architecture: | any |
Repository: | Extra-Staging |
Description: | Set of tools for processing plaintext docs into formats such as HTML, XML, or LaTeX |
Upstream URL: | |
License(s): | custom |
Maintainers: |
Daniel M. Capella Felix Yan |
Package Size: | 918.0 KB |
Installed Size: | 5.7 MB |
Last Packager: | Jelle van der Waa |
Build Date: | 2024-11-16 18:47 UTC |
Signed By: | Jelle van der Waa |
Signature Date: | 2024-11-16 18:47 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2024-11-16 18:49 UTC |
Dependencies (8)
- python (staging)
- python-myst-parser (staging) (optional) - to parse input in "Markdown" (CommonMark) format
- python-pillow (staging) (optional) - for some image manipulation operations
- python-pygments (staging) (optional) - for syntax highlighting of code directives and roles
- python-build (staging) (make)
- python-flit-core (staging) (make)
- python-installer (staging) (make)
- python-pillow (staging) (check)
Required By (105)
- aws-cli
- nikola
- nwg-readme-browser (staging)
- pelican
- python-breathe (staging)
- python-commonmark (staging)
- python-docutils-stubs (staging)
- python-flit
- python-jupyter-sphinx
- python-kivy
- python-myst-parser (staging)
- python-nbsphinx
- python-pybtex-docutils (staging)
- python-readme-renderer (staging)
- python-rstcheck-core
- python-sphinx (staging)
- python-sphinx-argparse (staging)
- python-sphinx-autoapi (staging)
- python-sphinx-click (staging)
- python-sphinx-hawkmoth
- python-sphinx-jinja (staging)
- python-sphinx-prompt (staging)
- python-sphinx-tabs (staging)
- python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex
- python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput
- retext (staging)
- rst2pdf
- sagemath
- spyder
- cgit (optional)
- cgit-aurweb (optional)
- gitlab (optional)
- hugo (optional)
- python-markups (staging) (optional)
- python-whey (optional)
- alsa-card-profiles (make)
- alsa-utils (make)
- angband (make)
- ansible-core (make)
- arandr (make)
- archiso (make)
- argbash (make)
- b4 (staging) (make)
- bluez (make)
- linux-tools (make)
- cifs-utils (make)
- cpupower (make)
- ctags (make)
- dbus-broker (make)
- diffoscope (make)
- dleyna (staging) (make)
- dleyna-docs (staging) (make)
- feedbackd (make)
- gdk-pixbuf2 (make)
- glib2 (make)
- gnome-calls (make)
- gnome-shell (make)
- gst-plugin-pipewire (make)
- gtk4 (make)
- hitch (make)
- hyperv (make)
- iwd (make)
- jack_mixer (make)
- json-glib (make)
- kupfer (make)
- libcall-ui (testing) (make)
- libdrm (make)
- libpipewire (make)
- librsvg (make)
- libvirt (make)
- libvirt-dbus (make)
- libvirt (make)
- linux-tools-meta (make)
- mercurial (staging) (make)
- mpv (make)
- nvchecker (make)
- opensubdiv (make)
- openvpn (make)
- osbuild (staging) (make)
- perf (make)
- phosh (make)
- pipewire (make)
- python-dleyna (staging) (make)
- python-markups (staging) (make)
- rdma-core (staging) (make)
- reprotest (make)
- sagemath-doc (make)
- sddm (make)
- sshfs (make)
- linux-tools (make)
- varnish (make)
- virt-manager (make)
- whipper (staging) (make)
- x86_energy_perf_policy (make)
- xdg-desktop-portal (make)
- xss-lock (make)
- python-aiobotocore (check)
- python-humanfriendly (staging) (check)
- python-osprofiler (check)
- python-pytest (staging) (check)
- python-pytoolconfig (check)
- python-pyudev (staging) (check)
- python-sqlalchemy-i18n (check)
- retext (staging) (check)
- urlwatch (check)