python-hypothesis 6.127.6-1
Architecture: | any |
Repository: | Extra-Testing |
Description: | Advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python |
Upstream URL: | |
License(s): | MPL-2.0 |
Maintainers: |
Filipe Laíns David Runge Carl Smedstad |
Package Size: | 900.7 KB |
Installed Size: | 4.7 MB |
Last Packager: | Carl Smedstad |
Build Date: | 2025-03-04 14:31 UTC |
Signed By: | Carl Smedstad |
Signature Date: | 2025-03-04 14:58 UTC |
Last Updated: | 2025-03-04 15:00 UTC |
Dependencies (36)
- python
- python-attrs
- python-sortedcontainers
- python-black (optional) - for CLI and ghostwriter
- python-click (optional) - for CLI
- python-dateutil (optional) - for date support
- python-django (optional) - for django module
- python-dpcontracts (optional) - for contracts support
- python-faker (optional) - for fakefactory and django module
- python-lark-parser (optional) - for lark module
- python-libcst (optional) - for codemods module
- python-numpy (optional) - for numpy module
- python-pandas (optional) - for pandas support
- python-pytest (optional) - for pytest module
- python-pytz (optional) - for datetime and django module
- python-redis (optional) - for redis support
- python-rich (optional) - for CLI
- git (make)
- python-build (make)
- python-installer (make)
- python-setuptools (make)
- python-wheel (make)
- python-black (check)
- python-django (check)
- python-dpcontracts (check)
- python-faker (check)
- python-fakeredis (check)
- python-flaky (check)
- python-lark-parser (check)
- python-libcst (check)
- python-numpy (check)
- python-pandas (check)
- python-pexpect (check)
- python-pytest (check)
- python-pytest-xdist (check)
- python-pytz (check)
Required By (81)
- python-hs-dbus-signature
- python-hypothesis-fspaths
- python-hypothesmith
- python-pytest-trio
- python-pydantic (optional)
- dbus-client-gen (check)
- hypercorn (check)
- khal (check)
- mitmproxy (check)
- python-anyio (check)
- python-argon2-cffi (check)
- python-attrs (check)
- python-bidict (check)
- python-binaryornot (check)
- python-bitstring (check)
- python-cbor2 (check)
- python-commonmark (check)
- python-coverage (check)
- python-cramjam (check)
- python-cryptography (testing) (check)
- python-cvxpy (check)
- python-dateutil (check)
- python-datrie (check)
- python-dbus-signature-pyparsing (check)
- python-ecdsa (check)
- python-fakeredis (check)
- python-fastnumbers (check)
- python-fire (check)
- python-gmpy2 (check)
- python-h2 (check)
- python-hpack (check)
- python-icalendar (check)
- python-inline-snapshot (testing) (check)
- python-into-dbus (check)
- python-iso8601 (check)
- python-isoduration (check)
- python-jmespath (check)
- python-jsondiff (check)
- python-justbases (check)
- python-justbytes (check)
- python-klein (check)
- python-kombu (check)
- python-mccabe (check)
- python-multivolumefile (check)
- python-mutagen (check)
- python-narwhals (check)
- python-natsort (check)
- python-ndindex (check)
- python-numpy (check)
- python-pandas (check)
- python-parver (check)
- python-pikepdf (check)
- python-polars (check)
- python-priority (check)
- python-pyarrow (check)
- python-pybcj (check)
- python-pydantic (check)
- python-pydantic-core (check)
- python-pynacl (check)
- python-pyppmd (check)
- python-pytest (check)
- python-pytest-asyncio (check)
- python-pyudev (check)
- python-quart (check)
- python-rapidfuzz (check)
- python-rfc3339-validator (check)
- python-rfc3986-validator (check)
- python-scipy (check)
- python-srt (check)
- python-subunit (check)
- python-sympy (check)
- python-textdistance (check)
- python-tiktoken (check)
- python-twisted (check)
- python-wcag-contrast-ratio (check)
- python-xarray (check)
- python-xmlsec (check)
- python-zstandard (check)
- sqlfluff (check)
- todoman (check)
- vdirsyncer (check)